Starting a New Program

Starting a New Program

1- Contact Dr. Frey and Dr. Engel to schedule a meeting to discuss the process and the institutions support regarding the request for a new training program

This conversation should include:

                Rationale for starting the program

                The length of training

                The number of positions per year requesting

                Funding sources

                Letters of Support from the funding source

                Contracts and Program Letters of Agreements

                Participating Sites

                Rotation Block Diagram

 2- Submit the Written Request to the GMEC

Dr. Frey will place it on the GMEC calendar

The program director must attend the GMEC and present the information to the committee

If approved the application process gets initiated by Dr. Frey in WebADS.

3- The program director completes all required Application information and documentation submission in WebADS

Once complete (DO NOT HIT SUBMIT), print out a copy of the application and attachment and send it to Dr. Frey for review.

Once any/all changes are made and the document is approved by Dr. Frey, Submit to the DIO in WebADS.

4- Dr. Frey will meet with Dr. Engel and if OK for Submission, they will submit the document as Approved for Submission to the RRC for review.

Access RRC Process & FAQs here

5 - Once approved, submit needed information to GME Office to begin program setup.

New Program Setup

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