PER 3 Instructions Terminating House Officer

PER 3 Instructions Terminating House Officer

An Electronic Termination PER 3 is required to terminate House Officers that Graduate Off-cycle, Resign on or Off-cycle, or Terminate on or Off-cycle.   Off Cycle is anyone not Graduating or Terminating June 30.  Program Coordinators provide the Department Business Manager with he information to initiate the electronic Termination PER 3.

Paper PER 3s are only accepted for House Officers with a Gratis Appointment (paid by Military) that are  Graduating, Resigning or are Terminated.    See Instructions and Sample PER 3 below.  Program Coordinators can initiate the Paper PER 3s.

Electronic Termination PER 3 (ePAF):  Electronic Termination PER 3 Instructions 

The Department Business Manager must initiate the Electronic Termination PER 3 in the PS HCM Production Database for House Officers Graduating Off-Cycle, Resigning on or off-cycle, and for House Officers terminating (not graduating from or completing the categorical Training Program, including a June 30 Termination date).

  • Business Manger will need the following information from Coordinator
    • Effective Date of Termination - This is the date the resident should not be paid. (i.e. if the resident Terminates/Completes Training  on September 15, the effective date is September 16); First day of Inactive Status/No Longer Employed by LSUHSC-N.O.
    • COB Worked Date –this is the last date the resident should be paid or on LOA/LWOP, the resident's last day of employment.  (i.e. 9/15 is the last day the resident is to be paid or on LOA/LWOP)
    • Reason – Choices are:
      • Failure to Return from LOA
      • Involuntary Termination
      • School Employee Contract Ended (this one has been used for Graduating House Officers)
      • Voluntary Termination
    • Resignation – Upload the Terminating House Officer's Resignation Letter, Non-Renewal Notice, or other documentation as appropriate
  • The ePAF Termination PER 3 s submitted for approval
  • When the ePAF Termination PER 3 is initiated, information will be sent to the Email distribution list LSUHSC-NO Notification of Employee Separation.  A separate email to this Email should NOT be sent.

All fields highlighted in red are required.  Click on the field name in the instructions below to view each field.

House Officer’s EMPLID. May be looked up in New Innovations under Personnel Data; or on BOM and EOM reports.
PeopleSoft Position Number.  May be looked up in New Innovations under Personnel Data.  It begins with 3 0’s followed by 5 digits, i.e. 00012345.
Enter Last Name, and First name as it appears in PS, Middle initial is optional
Should be the House Officer’s current title, i.e. “House Officer 3”
Medicine for Medical School Programs; Dental for Dental School Programs
Department Name and add Program name, i.e., Medicine-Cardiology


The code that identifies the Department and sometimes Section.  It begins with “NO” and is followed by 7 digits.  It can be found in the House Officer’s personnel record, in PS, and on the Appointment PER 2,  i.e. NO1496456.  The full list of department codes is also available here.

  • Effective  - Enter the Effective Date.  This is the date the resident should not be paid. (i.e. if the resident Terminates/Completes Training  on June 30, the effective date is July 1)
  • COB Worked – Enter the last date the resident should be paid / the resident's last day of employment.  It is usually June 30th unless the Resident terminates off-cycle. (i.e. 6/30 is the last day of training and the last paid day)
  • Reason – Enter Reason for Termination (i.e. completed Training, Resigned, Transferring to another program not at LSU, or Contract not renewed)
    • Resignation – if the Resident resigned, a copy of his/her resignation letter must be attached after the “original” page of the PER 3 and after the last page of the PER 3.

This section is optional.  The Coordinator can type any specific information regarding the action for the PER 3. i.e. if the PER is for a transfer and the House Officer is not promoting or is moving to a lower level (changing from a House Officer 2 to a House Officer 1), include this information.  If entering information, put an “X” in the box in front of the #8

  • Effective – Enter the Effective Date entered in #1, the date the Resident should not be paid
  • Funds End Date – Enter the Date entered in the last day cob worked field in #1, the last day the Resident should be paid.  This date is usually 6/30 unless the Resident is terminated off-cycle.
  • Rate of Pay
    • to $ - Enter the current hourly rate of pay (available on the House Officer Pay Scale).
    • Enter an “X” in the “Hourly” box.

Chart Section    

Chart Section  - This Chart String is used on PER 2s when Appointing House Officers and it is used on PER 3s for House Officers that Promote, Graduate, Resign and Terminate 
  • LSU Account # - Leave blank
  • LSU Description - Resident Suspense
  • Dept. Code - 1980003
  • Fund - 911
  • Program - 99001
  • Class - 99100
  • Project/Grant - 9980000109
  • Acct - 505000
  • % Dist - 100

Enter House Officer's salary   

  • The Present Amount – Enter the current Annual Salary (available on the House Officer Pay Scale).
  •  Proposed amount  - Enter $0.00

  • Initiating Officer – Department Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager or designee signs and dates as the Initiating Officer
  • Initials – some Departments require the Coordinator that processed the PER 3 to initial and date in the first space
  • Scan Final To - Should include appropriate contact's email address to receive PER 3 once HR has approved

Once Completed and signed, send the PER 3 to the GME Office.

When submitting a Paper Termination PER 3, an Email must be sent to the Email Distribution list LSUHSC-NO Notification of Employee Separation (See Notification of Employee Separation in Knowledge Base).

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